Saturday, April 2, 2011

Internet Safety Bibliography

Collier, Anne. "A Better Safety Net: It's Time to Get Smart About Online Safety." School Library Journal. 1 Nov. 2009. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

Collier suggests that the focus on Internet safety education for young people needs to move into a new phase—Version 3.0.  Instead of focusing on dangers from online predators, schools and parents should emphasize the importance developing media literacy and digital citizenship.

This short but informative website offers suggestions for parents on how victims of cyberbullying can take action through private, school, or police interventions.  Also, the site helps parents in understanding how to prevent their own children from becoming bullies.

Hoffman, Jan. "As Bullies Go Digital, Parents Play Catch-Up." The New York Times. 4 Dec. 2010. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

This New York Times article stresses the role parents must play in teaching their children about safe use of the Internet and Facebook and also their responsibility in monitoring that use.  The article cites several episodes of cyberbullying and the resolutions achieved.  For many young people, understanding the hurt their online actions can cause is a difficult lesson to process. 

"Internet Safety." The Official Website of the Berkshire District Attorney's Office. Berkshire District Attorney. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>
This Internet Safety section of the Official Website of the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office has detailed explanations of common applications parents should be familiar with, as well as related risks.  Parents who are not very tech-savvy will appreciate the list of Real Life Rules, such as “Come right home after school,” and their online counterparts. Home. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

This website is sponsored by a non-profit organization called Enough is Enough, which offers trainings and educational materials on Internet safety, with a heavy emphasis on stranger danger and online predators.  The site includes a section with 101 video clips relating to online dangers with real life testimonials and statements by law enforcement officials.
Staff. "Online Safety Tips for Kids Heading Back to School." School Library Journal. 13 Aug. 2010. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

This short article advocates for parents becoming well-informed about computers and about their children’s lives.  Includes a list of questions to ask teachers and schools about filtering software, cyberbullying policies, social networking between students and teachers, and other technology-related concerns.

The Door That's Not Locked. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. <>.

This website from Canada covers the topics of privacy, predators, and, to a lesser extent, bullying, and has sections for Parents, Teachers, and Everyone Else.  The site allows searching for information by age—5-7, 8-9, 10-12, and 13-15.  The section I looked at—Years 10-12—discusses child development as a way of giving parents a broader understanding of how their child understands the world and other people at this point in his or her life.  The site then offers suggestions to parents on how to talk to children this age about technology use.

Web Wise Kids. Web. 02 Apr. 2011. <>.

Web Wise Kids is a national non-profit devoted to increasing kids’ knowledge of internet safety.  The resources on the website include Internet Safety Kits for K-3 and 4-6.  The Internet Safety Kit for 4-6 includes a helpful chart of 9 safety rules.  Each rule is expanded upon with a related activity, such as a maze going from a prize advertised online to a parent in the middle saying, “OK.”  The Resources section has thorough guides on topics such as Twitter, Facebook, and cell phone use.

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